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GEOG 4230 - Rivers - May

Search engines, ebooks, and tutorials for locating research on rivers.

OneSearch: Search All UNI Library Databases

One Search - Advanced. Use one search to find articles and books owned by the UNI Rod Library

Additional Rod Library Resources


Google Scholar


Use Google Scholar links provided by Rod Library when off campus to link to research purchased for you by UNI.

To locate recent research  in Google Scholar you will need to use the "Since" option on the upper-left hand side of the results page.

To learn more about using quotes and the intitle: command visit Advanced Research Techniques: Google Scholar 


Web of Science



Web of Science (also known as Web of Knowledge) searches high-quality journals across all disciplines within the social sciences.

Web of Science offers a unique search system - search by "topic" (subject) - that often finds research hidden from other databases.

The results of Web of Science can be ranked by the impact a research article has had on the literature.


Research Guide for Rivers

Elsevier (ScienceDirect)