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SW 3192 - Practice with Groups & Families - Fry


Advanced Google Searching

Limit by domain name to see results only from .org sites or .gov sites.  Example: Iowa healthcare

Add the word statistics to your search terms if that's what you need.

Add + before a word to force Google to include it (note there is not a space after +). Example: healthcare +statistics

Limit to government sites for statistics. Example: healthcare cost

Use quotation marks to search for logical phrases. Example: healthcare "economic impact"

Sample Scholarly Articles

Akin, B., Strolin-Goltzman, J., & Collins-Camargo, C. (2017). Successes and challenges in developing trauma-informed child welfare systems: A real-world case study of exploration and initial implementationChildren and Youth Services Review, 82, 42-52.

Allen-Meares, P., Montgomery, K., & Kim, J. (2013). School-based social work interventions: A cross-national systematic review. Social Work, 58(3), 253-262.

McCusker, P., & Jackson, J. (2016). Social work and mental distress: Articulating the connection. The British Journal of Social Work, 46(6), 1654-1670.