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Archive--Psychological Assessment

Ethical Considerations

The use of psychological tests and the interpretation of test results are guided by ethical principles. The following sources are among those offering guidance to psychological assessment students, researchers, and practitioners:

American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education. (2014). Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.
Rod Library UNI Reference LB 3051 A693 2014 
Rod Library UNI Stacks LB 3051 A693 1985 and 1999
Developed jointly by the American Psychological Association, American Educational Research Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education, this volume details the ethical construction, development, and use of tests in education, psychology, and employment. Essential for those designing tests, administering tests, or interpreting test results.

American Psychological Association
Individuals administering psychological assessment instruments are advised to adhere to copyright law. Those planning to administer commercially-published psychological assessment instruments need to contact the test publisher to purchase copies. Those administering experimental instruments developed by another are advised to secure permission from the test developer.

The American Psychological Association provides guidance in securing permission to use tests in FAQ: Finding Information about Psychological Tests at  For guidance in purchasing and using commercially-available tests, access APA's  FAQ: Finding Information about Psychological Testschoose the Published Psychological Tests section, and scroll to the Purchasing Tests paragraphs.   For information about the ethical responsibilities of unpublished, experimental test users, access APA's FAQ: Finding Information about Psychological Tests, choose the Unpublished Psychological Tests and Measures section, and scroll to the Responsibilities of Users of Unpublished Tests or Measures paragraphs.