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English 1005 - College Writing and Research - Gruenwald

Get Search Tips - OneSearch

Simple Search

This is one example that shows you what you can do with quotation marks to search items that have two words in an exact order as one phrase in any location such as titles and a body of texts.

Advanced Search

This is one example that shows you what you can do with truncation (with the asterisk), Boolean Operators (AND), Material Type (Books), Language (English), and Publication Date (Last 10 years) to search books that deal with topics about persuasion (or persuasive) speech (or communication) in English last 10 years.

Get Search Tips - Google Scholar


This is one example that shows you how to find articles about persuasive speech. If you click "Cited by", you will find more recent articles relevant to your topics. 

Get Search Tips - Google

This is one example that shows you what kinds of tricks you can use to find more reliable web resources preventing from too many search results. Find more tricks from here.