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POSTSEC 6273 - Research in Student Affairs

Focused Databases

Use Subject Search to Improve Your Searching

All of these databases feature subject search options. The best subject headings for locating research in postsecondary education are indicated next to each search engine.






General Databases for Locating Articles from Peer-Reviewed (Refereed) Journals

Use Subject Search to Improve Your Searching

All of these databases feature subject search options. The best subject headings for locating research in postsecondary education are indicated next to each search engine.





Do you REALLY want to use Google Scholar? Some Advice for the Intrepid on Searching, Peer Review, and Journal Impact


How Good is My Journal?

Researchers often want to know which journals in their field have the highest impact (and thus which are the most prestigious).

Here are three journal ranking systems and one "high impact journal" search engine that will help you determine if your article comes from a prestigious (or at least respectable) journal: