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POL GEN 2010 - Analyzing Politics

Guide to resources for locating research in political science and public policy as well as scholarly books and high quality news sources.

High Quality News - Where to Look

Academic OneFile - from GALE.  Great source for quality news.


Academic Search Elite - EBSCO.  Great source for high quality news.


Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis) - the world's largest news database.

Political Bias and Reliability (Media Bias Chart)

News Source Reliability - News Source Political Bias

Interactive Media Bias Chart 5.0
(ad fontes media)

"Founded in Westminster, Colorado in 2018 by Vanessa Otero, creator of the Media Bias Chart, Ad Fontes Media, is a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC). It all began with a simple idea and vision of creating a way to measure media bias with a chart. "Ad Fontes" is Latin for 'to the source,' and refers to the source-based, content analysis approach the company uses to rate the news. Otero released her first chart to her friends on Facebook in 2016 and the rest is history. Today, millions of people have viewed the chart and it has been talked about in sources like, the Columbia Journal Review and numerous local outlets. Otero created Ad Fontes Media, Inc. with a mission of 'making news consumers smarter and news media better.'" --- PR Newswire

Heldebrandt, Beth. 2020. "How a Popular Media Bias Chart Determines What News Can be Trusted." Gateway Journalism Review 48, no. 355:20-22..

Ad Fontes Media, and Vanessa Otero. 2019. "Display and Analysis System for Media Content." 2019. 
[Explanation and patent application for the Interactive Media Bias chart]