See examples 16 & 17 below from APA 7th edition (p. 364) to cite legislation in-text and if your References list. Definitions:
Examples for citing a newspaper article:
APA gives us a way to cite testimony before Congress. Below is a suggested citation of an online video of an entire Congressional testimony (from APA 7th 11.6 example 14):
Federal real property reform: How cutting red tape and better management could achieve billions in savings, U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 114th Cong. (2016) (testimony of Norman Dong).
In-text parenthetical citation:
(Federal Real Property Reform, 2016)
Press releases from members of Congress, state legislators, and/or non-profit organizations can be a great source of perspectives for or against pending legislation. For an example APA citation for press releases, see
Examples for citing websites, including news & government agency websites: