The earliest House and Senate documents and reports are contained in the Serial Set which is located in the north side of the documents collection on the first floor.
With the 96th Congress, House and Senate documents and reports are published in microfiche and located in the microfiche cabinets in the northeast corner of the documents collection on the first floor. They have UNISTAR records. With the publication of the 97th congress, the documents and reports were assigned the following classification numbers:
Y 1.1/3: Senate Documents
Y 1.1/4: Senate Treaty Documents
Y 1.1/5: Senate Reports
Y 1.1/6: Senate Executive Reports
Y 1.1/7: House Documents
Y 1.1/8: House Reports
The documents and reports from the 96th congress are filed with abbreviations such as H.RP.901 for House Report 901.