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This guide has been created to provide a central location for the UNI community to learn about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

Video - What We're Learning From Online Education

TED Talks

Video - The Self-Organizing Computer Course

TED Talks

Video - Lets Use Video to Reinvent Education

TED Talks

Video - The 100,000 Student Classroom

TED Talks

Horizon Report

From Report -

  • "MOOCs have enjoyed one of the fastest uptakes ever seen in higher education with literally hundreds of new entrants in the last year."
  • One of the most appealuing promises of MOOCs is that they offer the possibility of continued, advanced learning at a zero cost

Google News - MOOCs - RSS Feed

Google News + MOOCs

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Campus Technology - RSS Feed

Frequent updates on MOOCs

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Alt Ed - RSS Feed

Alt-Ed is devoted to documenting significant initiatives relating to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), digital badges, and similar alternative educational projects.

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Report - The Life Cycle of a Million MOOC Users