Note:Many public libraries have subscriptions to commercial census databases (HeritageQuest Online, that will enable you to access census and genealogical data.
Provides access to data about the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas. Data is pulled from several censuses and surveys. Information about communities can be found by searching by state, county, city, town or ZIP code.
The Rod Library has several censuses available in the building, chiefly on microfilm.
Federal Decennial Censuses
UNI Documents C 3.
The federal censuses have been conducted every 10 years since 1790. The scope and quantity of the data has grown and varied greatly over the years.
Decennial Census Rolls for Iowa
UNI Microfilm HA371.5
Includes individual level data (names/households) collected through the decennial censuses for the state of Iowa. The library has these for 1840-1880 and 1900-1930. To access the census rolls for 1870 or 1910, use the indexes available at Reference HA371.5 1870 or Reference HA371.5 1910.
Census of Iowa
UNI Reference and Stacks HA371 .I8
The state of Iowa collected and published its own state census periodically between the years 1836 through 1925. This is aggregated rather than individual level data, but provides an interesting variety of information about counties and/or places.
Iowa's Counties: Selected Population Trends, Vital Statistics, and Socioeconomic Data
UNI Stacks HA375 .I69
This print publication contains statistical data for Iowa counties and includes some unique data about child welfare and social problems. The publication ceased in 2001.