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ANTH 4015 - Archaeological Fieldwork - Gaff

This guide was created for ANTH 4015 Archaeological Fieldwork students, with Dr. Gaff, who are excavating at the site of Central Hall.


IndexUNI is Rod Library's online repository of articles from official campus publications, dating back to 1876. Such publications include Old Gold, the Normal Eyte, and the Northern Iowan, among others. These publications have all been indexed, and many have been digitized and are available online through the database. Physical copies of these and others are available in the Special Collections & University Archives reading room.

You can search this database through:

Some selected articles of 180+ results include:

OneSearch! Tips

OneSearch - search our library's collections

Special Collections materials, including the Rare Books materials and many maps, are in the online library catalog and can be found using OneSearch from the library homepage.

You can narrow your search in the library catalog by using subject headings, which are generally topics, places, events, people, organizations, etc that a book or article is about. To search using subject headings, use the "subject" option from the dropdown in the advanced search.

Subject search screen capture image













You can also find relevant subjects from an individual record, such as from a book, and identify other relevant materials by clicking on the subject.Subject search screen capture image

Consider doing a subject search for institutional names, such as "University of Northern Iowa," "Iowa State Teachers College," and "Iowa State Normal School" to find relevant resources. Some potentially useful books include:

To know if an item is available in Special Collections & University Archives, check the location in the catalog record. It will say "UNI Special Collections" if it is!

Special collections location search screen capture image