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Places to Look for Research

Databases for Psychological Tests & Measurements

Books for Non-Commercial Tests & Measurements

These handbooks and directories describe commercially and non-commercially available tests and/or provide reprints of experimental tests. It is not an all-encompassing list, but these provide good places to start.

Search Techniques to Narrow or Broaden Your Search


  1. Narrows your search
  2. You can use multiple AND's. The more you use, it narrows your search and you will get fewer your results.
  3. Example:
    1. "mental health" AND medication


  1. Broadens your search
  2. You can use multiple OR's. The more you use, the more results you will get.
  3. Good to use when you know synonyms or alternative words for a keyword you are researching.
  4. Example:
    1. "therapy" OR counseling

Asterisk (*)

  1. Broadens your search
  2. Automatically searches and give you results with all variations of that root word (anything before the asterisk)
  3. Example:
    1. treat* gives you results with: treat, treated, treating, treatments, etc.