Journal articles on behavioral science and mental health, including empirical studies, and qualitative and quantitative research. Access the former version of APA PsycInfo (EBSCO), which includes the option to search cited articles.
Journal articles about medicine, biology, public health, and related fields.
Interlibrary Loan
If there is an article that you really need or want, you can request it (most often for free) through interlibrary loan. Expect it to to take up to 10 days to receive item electronically via email.
If Rod Library does not own/subscribe to the material you need, the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) staff will try to get it for you. The ILL system is called ILLiad and uses your CatID & passphrase for logging in.
Use these instructions for learning how to request materials through interlibrary loan. Most items, such as articles and book chapters, are provided electronically.