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Search Google Scholar

Search Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Using Google Scholar Off Campus

Using Google Scholar Off Campus

There are 2 ways to access Google Scholar and still have all the accessibility you'd have while sitting in Rod Library.

  • The other way is to google Google Scholar.  If you go this route, you'll have to adjust your settings.  To do this, click on Settings.

Then, click on Library Links and type in "Iowa" or "University of Northern Iowa."  Click the box next to UNI.

Find It! @ UNI: Use to find complete articles

Find It! @ UNI

By accessing Google Scholar through either the library homepage or by adjusting the settings to link into UNI Rod Library, you will have access to more library resources. 

We have set up a linker that will show up on these resources, and they are indicated by the button.  Once you click on this linker, you can find the full article in another licensed library resource.