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Waterloo Courier

Options and directions for searching and reading historical issues of the Waterloo Courier and related Waterloo newspapers.

Using NewspaperArchive to Research the Waterloo Courier


NewspaperArchive is a database provided by UNI Rod Library


NewspaperArchive provides somewhat more limited coverage of the Waterloo Courier, the Waterloo Daily Courier, and the Waterloo Evening Courier ... as well as other Waterloo newspapers.  Essentially 1871 to 1964



Coverage of Waterloo Newspapers in Newspaper Archive

Searching the Waterloo Courier using NewspaperArchive


To search the historical issues of the Waterloo Courier:

  1. Head the Rod Library website
  2. Click on the Databases option under the search blank
  3. Choose
  4. Choose the "Go to Advanced Search" option
  5. Choose a Keywords option: "With at Least One of These", "With the Exact Phrase", "With All the Words"
    and then type in the word(s) you are searching for
  6. Then change the State option to Iowa, and the City option to Waterloo. 

    You can also choose a date range, but NewspaperARCHIVE
    only contains Waterloo papers published before 1965 


Searching NewspaperArchive for the Waterloo Courier


Browsing the Waterloo Courier using NewspaperArchive


To browse the historical issues of the Waterloo Courier:

  1. Head the Rod Library website
  2. Click on the Databases option under the search blank
  3. Choose
  4. Choose the "Browse by Location" option at the top of the page
  5. Then select Iowa (States), Waterloo (Cities), and then Browse All Waterloo

    Browse Newspaper Archives in NewspaperArchive

  6. This will generate a list of newspaper options from Waterloo. Note NewspaperArchive has archived a lot of Waterloo Daily Courier issues so let's choose this option (click on Waterloo Daily Courier).

    Waterloo Iowa publications archived by NewspaperArchive

  7. Clicking on the Waterloo Daily Courier produces a page with a "Browse by Date" option.

    Browse by Date - Newspaper Archive

  8. Choose a date. In this case we choose February 12, 1962 ... and the first page of the paper appears.

  9. In the red bar at the top of the page there is a page turner / page selector. You can either turn one page at a time or type in a page number to jump to another page.

  10. At the bottom of any page in NewspaperArchive there will be an option for advancing to another issue published on either the previous date or the next date.