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Waterloo Courier

Options and directions for searching and reading historical issues of the Waterloo Courier and related Waterloo newspapers.

Waterloo and Cedar Falls

Note: All newspapers below are available on microfilm at Rod Library.


The Courier (1859- present)
Current issues retained until microfilm has been received. Microfilm is located at UNI Microfilm.
(All located on microfilm at Rod Library and filed under the word Waterloo).  Title list below is in reverse chronological order:

The Courier (April 3, 2005 - present)
The Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier  (July 1984 - April 2, 2005)

Waterloo Courier, the Cedar Falls Record  (Aug. 1983 - June 1984)
Waterloo Courier  (Sept. 1973 - Aug. 1983)
Waterloo Daily Courier  (Mar. 1932 - Sept. 1973)
Waterloo Daily Courier combined with the Waterloo Tribune (Feb. 1931 - Mar. 1932)
Waterloo Daily Courier  (Nov. 1929 - Feb 1931)
Waterloo Evening Courier and Waterloo Daily Reporter  (Mar. 1914 - Nov. 1929)
Waterloo Evening Courier  (Sept. 1909 - Mar. 1914)
Waterloo Semi Weekly Courier (Dec. 1907 - July 1910)
Semiweekly Waterloo Courier (Jan. 1898 - Dec. 1907)
Waterloo Daily Courier (Dec. 1890 - Sept. 1909)
The Waterloo Courier (Nov. 1859 - Aug. 1864; Jan. 1865 - Dec. 1897)

Printed Index to the Waterloo Courier (1974-1991): UNI Index/Abstract AI 21 .W37



1) The Cedar Falls Record  (Jan. 1903 - Sept. 1909; Jan. 1910 - Aug. 1983)
Sometimes called the Cedar Falls Daily Record.  The Cedar Falls Record merged with the Waterloo Courier in 1983.

2) Dannevirke (Dec. 18. 1901 - Dec. 23, 1903)

3) The Gazette (1860-1903), published under two titles.  Filed in the microfilm cabinets under Cedar Falls Gazette.

The Semi-Weekly Cedar Falls Gazette (Feb. 5, 1895 - Feb. 10, 1903); The Cedar Falls Gazette (March 16, 1860 - Feb. 1, 1985)
Digitized copies of Cedar Falls Gazette from 1860-1871 are available from the Library of Congress newspaper archive Chronicling America. To search the Cedar Falls Gazette -  click on “Advanced Search” - then scroll down the “Or Select Newspapers” option until you find Cedar Falls Gazette. 

4) The Globe (1889-1909) , published under two titles.  Filed in the microfilm cabinets under Cedar Falls Globe.

The Globe (Feb. 22, 1893 - April 29, 1909 (missing some issues between May 1905-June 1906); The Weekly Globe (June 5, 1889 - Feb. 15, 1893)