In Books/Media to find books about a specific battle, search by the name of the battle, for example,
"Sanananda Campaign"
In Books/Media the name of the geographic area in which the battle occurred is listed first, so you may increase your search results by typing AND between the geographic area and campaign. For example, for the Battle of Gettysburg, try
Gettysburg AND battle
For the Gettysburg Campaign try
Gettysburg AND campaign
To increase your search results, also use the search pattern of
[name of the war] -- campaigns -- [country where the battle occurred]
For example,
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Papua New Guinea
You may broaden your search by broadening the geographic area, for example,
World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Pacific Ocean.
Note: World War I is cataloged as World War, 1914-1918 and World War II is cataloged as World War, 1939-1945.
In Books/Media to find resources examining battle strategy, tactics, doctrine, and policy, try these search terms:
deployment (strategy)
military planning
"military doctrine"
"military policy "
To focus on the United States military, try adding United States, for example
"united states" AND strategy
"united states" AND "military doctrine"
Specific military approaches could be explored, for example,
"siege warfare"
siege AND "world war" AND 1939 -1945
"tank warfare"