Peer-Led Team Learning by Leo Gafney; Pratibha Varma-NelsonISBN: 9781402061851
Publication Date: 2008-07-21
Note: this book is not at UNI but can be requested from a partner library.
This book is a study of 15 years of work by the Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) project, a national consortium of faculty, learning specialists and students. Readers of this book will find a story of successful change in educational practice, a story that continues today as new institutions, faculty, and disciplines adopt the PLTL model. They will learn the model in theory and in practice and the supporting data that encourage others to adopt and adapt PLTL to new situations. Although the project has long since lost count of the number of implementations of the model, conservative estimates are that more than 100 community and four year colleges and a range of universities have adopted the PLTL model to advance student learning for more than 20,000 students in a variety of STEM disciplines.