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Archive--Vietnam War

Country Studies/Army Area Handbooks

Country Studies, formerly known as Army Area Handbooks, were issued within the Department of the Army.  Each handbook discussed a country's social system (history, geography, ethnic groups, religions); political system (form of government, foreign relations); and economic system (trade, agriculture, economic structure). Over 100 countries were each covered in a handbook and most of the handbooks were periodically updated.  The handbooks now provide historical information and perspective.

Cima, R. J. (Ed.). (1989). Vietnam: A country study.  Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Federal Research Division.

Harris, G. L., Catto, R. J., Chaffee, F. H., Muhlenberg, F., Rintz, F. C., &  Smith, H. H. (1964, October).  U.S. Army Area Handbook for Vietnam (DA Pam No. 550-32).  Washington, DC: The American University, Special Operations Research Office, Foreign Areas Studies Division.  (Original work published September 1962).


Tucker, S. C. (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A political, social, and military history (2nd ed.)  Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
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Rod Library UNI Reference DS 557.7 E53 1998

Kutler, S. I. (1996). Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War.  New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.  
Rod Library UNI Reference DS 557.7 E53 1996

Anderson, D. L. (2002). The Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War. New York: Columbia University Press.
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Vietnam Maps (Perry-Castañeda Library at The University of Texas at Austin)
Extensive collection of digitized maps, including topographical, historical, and Central Intelligence Agency maps.

Military History Websites

U.S. Army Center for Military History
"The Center of Military History (CMH), which reports to the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army, is responsible for the appropriate use of history throughout the United States Army. Traditionally, this mission has meant recording the official history of the Army in both peace and war, while advising the Army Staff on historical matters."

Combined Arms Research Library (CARL) Digital Library
“The collections contained within the Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library are largely composed of digital versions of paper documents from the Combined Arms Research Library collections and student papers produced at the US Army Command and General Staff College."

Library of Congress.  Military Battles and Campaigns

The Virtual Vietnam Archive (Texas Tech University)
The Virtual Vietnam Archive online collection  contains over 4 million pages of scanned materials, including "documents, photographs, slides, negatives, oral histories, artifacts, moving images, sound recordings, maps, and collection finding aids. All non-copyrighted and digitized materials are available for users to download."