To check out materials and lockers at Rod Library, you need to have your UNI ID. We can also set up fingerprint scanning for you & you need your ID the first time.
At the Library Services Desk (main floor near main/east entrance), you can:
Additional information about Rod Library loan periods can be found using this FAQ.
With My (Library) Accounts, you can:
NOTE: Overdue materials can't be renewed online. Please call the Circulation Desk at 319-273-2462 to renew overdue materials.
You can also access your ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan) account where you can:
We have a lot of materials, but we partner with other libraries worldwide to ensure you can get the resources you need. If there is something we don't have, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan. Most materials are made available free to you.
Our staff can also scan materials we have in print, such as a particular book chapter. Inquire at the Library Services Desk about this service.
You can check out your own materials at our Self Check-out located near the west entrance on the 2nd (main) floor, on the 3rd floor near the east stairwell and in IRTS in Schindler.
If you have any difficulty, please see someone at the Library Services Desk for assistance.