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MEASRES 6205 - Educational Research - Joram

A guide to resources and best practices for educational research.

APA 7th (from APA itself)

Examples of APA Citations for Journal Articles

Citing journal articles in APA 7th with a Direct Object Identifier (DOI).


(Reminder - find the DOI with CrossRef).


Alkharusi, H. (2017). Predicting students’ academic achievement: Contributions of perceptions of classroom assessment tasks and motivated learning strategies. Electronic Journal of Research in Education Psychology 14(40) 515-533.


Kjeldsen, T. H., & Blomhøj, M. (2012). Beyond motivation: History as a method for learning meta-discursive rules in mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 80(3), 327-349.


Weidinger, A. F., Steinmayr, R., & Spinath, B. (2017). Math grades and intrinsic motivation in elementary school: A longitudinal investigation of their association. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(2), 187-204.



For articles without a Direct Object Identifier (CrossRef does not find a DOI for this article) simply use the web address (URL) associated with the article.


Pourdavood, R. G., Grob, S., Clark, J., & Orr, H. (1999). Discourse and professional growth: Processes, relationships, dilemmas, and hope. School Community Journal, 9(1), 33-48.

Examples of APA 7th Citations for Books and Book Chapters

Citing Books and Chapters of Books


APA 7th guidelines:


Treat the authors, date, and title as before (with the title in italics).


APA 7th requires an edition number after the title e.g. (4th ed) but this is not in italics.


APA 7th no longer requires a “place of publication” - just the name of the publisher.


APA 7th - For ebooks only use a DOI if it exists. Only use a URL if:

  1. the book does not have a DOI 
  2. the URL is NOT from an academic research database


For an entire book in print cite as follows:

Carr, M. (1996). Motivation in mathematics. Hampton Press.


For a chapter from a book in print cite as follows:

Dorfler, W. (1999). Mathematics provides tools for thinking and communicating. In C. Hoyles, C. Morgan, & G. Woodhouse (Eds.), Rethinking the mathematics curriculum (pp. 75-86). Falmer Press. 


For an entire ebook (that does not have a DOI) cite as follows:

Hall, N. C. & Goetz, T. (2013). Emotion, motivation, and self-regulation: A handbook for teachers. Emerald Group Publishing.


For a chapter from an ebook that has a DOI cite as follows:

Harackiewicz, J., Tibbetts, Y., Canning, E., & Hyde, J. (2014). Harnessing values to promote motivation in education. In S. Karabenick & T. Urdan (Eds.), Motivational interventions (pp. 71-105). Emerald Group Publishing.