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Technology LibGuide for Graduate Students

Professional Communication

Professional communication via technology is an essential skill for graduate students. Here are several helpful resources for polishing your digital communication:

The Beginner's Guide to Professional Communication

Digital Communication Skills: Do's and Don'ts


Touch Typing

Graduate school requires a substantial amount of typing, especially for comprehensive exams, so you should do your best to acquire touch typing skills. Here are several helpful links:

The Beginner's Guide to Touch Typing

Touch Typing Tutor

Cybersecurity / Password Management

It is important--and often contractually necessary--to deal with sensitive information correctly in the digital world.

In order to protect your information across multiple platforms, consider using a password manager like LastPass or 1Password.

UNI's IT department also offers several resources for cybersecurity education, including the following:

File Organization

Citation Managers

Throughout your graduate career, it will be helpful to categorize and manage your research and resources. Citation managers like Zotero or Mendeley are good options. Here are several links with useful information about citation managing software:

Citation Managers Libguide