Postwar Japan - American Perspectives - 1947-1968 - Digital Archive - Molly Hormann
Collection of digitized newspaper and magazine articles, reports, guides, and books that document the American perspective on Japan from the years 1947 to 1968.
"Grace Yaukey ... is the sister of the author Pearl Buck and is an author herself, using the pen name Cornelia Spencer." --- Washington Evening Star, October 14, 1948 (page 36)
"Japan by Cornelia Spencer ... a short, simple and uniformly pleasant account of Japanese life, history, and aspirations, a little too sweet to be plausible" --- Review by Oakland Tribune, October 3, 1948 (page 37).
Air Force pamphlet for servicemen published in December, 1954 quickly covering the geography, history, and people of Japan. This pamphlet also provided advice on leisure time, a brief language guide, and "Tips to the Wise".