Postwar Japan - American Perspectives - 1947-1968 - Digital Archive - Molly Hormann
Collection of digitized newspaper and magazine articles, reports, guides, and books that document the American perspective on Japan from the years 1947 to 1968.
“The movement in the United States to boycott Japanese products is utterly unwise. Admittedly, a policy of unlimited imports of Japanese products in direct competition with American made items is unfair. Lower labor costs in Japan and lower material costs on world markets make unfair competition, especially in the textile industry. Higher duty should be charged on imports, thereby protecting our basic industries. Certainly a boycott is not the way - it is not American. Japan is dependent upon its trade. We trade with her on a fair basis, or she will be pushed into the communist trade of China and Russia, and may then become under their domination. …”
Papers include:
Japan's Post-war Foreign Policy by Masataka Koosaka --- The Liberal-Democratic Party and Constitutional Revision by Haruhiro Fukui --- Government Departments and the Making of Foreign Policy Towards Okinawa by Akio Watanabe --- Post-war Japanese Security and Rearmament: With Special Reference to Japanese-American Relations by Shunsaku Katoo --- Japanese Historical Writing on the Origins of the Pacific War by Ikuhiko Hata --- Dissolution of the Japanese Lower House by D.C.S. Sissons