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COMM COR 2020 - Introduction to Research Methods - Harken

Finding Rhetorical Analyses in CMMC

Finding Rhetorical Analysis with CMMC
(Communication and Mass Media Complete)


In the first line search for rhetorical analysis as a Subject
In the second line search for your topic e.g. blog/blogging/bloggers or Twitter or tweet/tweets/tweeting (blog* OR twitter OR tweet*)


Consider a subject search on rhetorical analysis in CMMC (Communication and Mass Media Complete). Then type your topic in the second search blank.

Finding Rhetorical Analysis in Other Databases

Finding Rhetorical Analysis in Other Databases

The following databases also contain studies using rhetorical analysis. In each case type in "rhetorical analysis" in the first search blank and set the drop-down menu to "subject" (or other options as suggested below).

Finding "Research" on Rhetoric with CMMC

Finding Rhetoric "Research" with CMMC
(Communication and Mass Media Complete)


In the first blank search for rhetoric* as a Subject
In the second blank type in Method* AND Results AND Discussion 
[These are three of the main sections of a research article. Method* finds Method, Methods, and Methodology]
In the third (and fourth) blanks type in your topic.  Politic* finds politics, politician, political etc.

WARNING - many, but not all of the articles will be research. Only some of the articles will involve rhetorical analysis, others with involve other forms of research that focus on rhetoric.


To find research on rhetoric using CMMC type "rhetoric" with an asterisk at the end in the first search blank and limit to Subject. In the second search blank type Method* AND Results AND Discussion and limit to a TX All Text search,. In the third and fourth blanks type in your topic.

Finding Discourse Analysis in CMMC

Finding Discourse Analysis with CMMC
(Communication and Mass Media Complete)

In the first line search for discourse analysis as a Subject
In the second line search for your topic e.g. politics/political/politicians  (politic*)

Discourse analysis is a good subject search to try in the database CMMC (Communication and Mass Media Complete). Then type your topic in the second search blank.

Finding Discourse Analysis in Other Databases

Finding Discourse Analysis in Other Databases

The following databases also contain studies using discourse analysis. In each case type in "discourse analysis" in the first search blank and set the drop-down menu to "subject" (or other options as suggested below).


Example of a search for Discourse Analysis using PsycInfo

In the first line search for discourse analysis as a Subject
In the second line search for your topic e.g. social media OR online social networks


To find discourse analyses in APA PsycInfo type "discourse analysis" in the first search blank as a subject search and then type your topic in the second search blank.