[Keep in mind these tabs are for and should list the most valuable and broadly applicable resources. Do not create long lists of resources. If you would like to create longer lists, create a subtopic page.
In this box, please select at least 2 but no more than 5 tabs for different types of sources used by researchers in this topic. Order the tabs based on the most commonly used resources for your topic (i.e. Film might have streaming video first listed on the tabs and Sciences would have journal articles).
If you are creating a new source type, please contact Claire. All tabs must include:
Please see the currently published guides for examples!
When you are finished, delete this tab only! DO NOT DELETE THE BOX OR YOU WILL LOSE YOUR WORK.]
Also known as "Scholarly Articles," "Peer-Reviewed Articles," or "Academic Articles" or "Research Articles," these are
[For the list of databases below:
Unlike journal articles, books:
You may only need to read one chapter of a scholarly book! Find relevant information quickly by reviewing chapter titles or checking the index (back of the book).
[Keep the three databases listed below. You may add additional databases or resources specific to your topic and reorder based on usefulness. Add short custom descriptions and keep the list to 3-6 resources.]
[An optional section if you have specific books you would like to recommend. Keep this list to 1-5 books and remember, they should be broad and for an undergraduate audience. If you want to create a longer booklist on a specific topic, create a subtopic tab.]
Unlike journal articles, news:
[Keep the three databases listed below. You may add additional databases or resources specific to your topic. Keep the list to 3-5 resources and add short custom descriptions.]
You've probably used the Google search engine hundreds if not thousands of times—but did you know with a few simple commands, you can take control of Google?
Use quotes to require a word or phrase be present somewhere in the search results. In this search, the phrases "climate change" and "infectious diseases" must appear somewhere in the search results.
Use the minus sign directly in front of and against a word for it to not appear in your search results. In this search, the phrase "animal cloning" must appear in the search results and the word "sheep" cannot show up in the search results.
Use the intitle: command to limit to search results with a specific keyword or phrase in the title of the web page. In this search, "microplastics" must appear somewhere in the search results and "Baltic Sea" must be in the title of the search result.
Use the site: command to limit to a certain website or type of websites. Find credible websites quickly by using the site:.edu command to limit to education websites and site:.gov command to limit to U.S. Government websites. In this search, Google will limit to U.S. government websites with the phrase "information literacy" in the title of the search result.
Unlike journal articles, magazines:
[Keep the two databases listed below. You may add additional databases or resources specific to your topic. Keep the list to 2-5 resources and add short custom descriptions.]
Audio/visual resources are available in physical formats in the library (DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs) and digital formats (streaming video).
For your assignments, we recommend using library resources rather than general YouTube videos to ensure you are using credible sources.
[Keep the four databases listed below. You may add additional databases or resources specific to your topic. Keep the list to 4-6 resources and add short custom descriptions.]
Educational films and documentaries. Learn how to stream, request, or screen a film on Kanopy.
Literary criticism are studies that define, classify, analyze, interpret, and evaluate individual works of literature or an author's complete works.
[Keep the two databases listed below. You may add additional databases or resources specific to your topic. Keep the list to 2-5 resources and add short custom descriptions.]
Book reviews:
[Keep the three databases listed below. You may add additional databases or resources specific to your topic. Keep the list to 2-5 resources and add short custom descriptions.]