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HIST 3000 - Witches and the Witch Craze in Early Modern Europe and America - McNabb

Guide to primary and secondary sources for research on witchcraft and witch trials during the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe and America.

Secondary Sources - Databases for Journal Articles

Secondary Sources - Journals

The following are indexes and database that point to recent (secondary) scholarly journal articles. 


Also consider:


Secondary Sources - Databases (Catalogs) for Locating Books

Secondary Sources - Scholarly Monographs

The following are indexes and database that point to recent (secondary) scholarly books. 


Secondary Sources - Bibliographies - (works on witches, witchcraft, and witch trials identified by other scholars))

Secondary Sources - Bibliographies

Works identified and listed by other scholars 



Magic and the Supernatural (secondary sources from JSTOR)

Magic and the Supernatural

Butler, Jon. “Magic, Astrology, and the Early American Religious Heritage, 1600-1760.” The American Historical Review 84, no. 2 (1979): 317-46.

Harley, David. “Explaining Salem: Calvinist Psychology and the Diagnosis of Possession.” The American Historical Review 101, no. 2 (1996), 307-30.

Kibbey, Ann. “Mutations of the Supernatural: Witchcraft, Remarkable Providences, and the Power of Puritan Men," American Quarterly, 34 (1982): 125-48.

Race and Ethnicity (secondary sources from JSTOR)

Race and Ethnicity

Breslaw, Elaine “Tituba's Confession: The Multicultural Dimensions of the 1692 Salem Witch-Hunt.” Ethnohistory 44, no. 3 (1997): 535-56.

Lovejoy, David. “Satanizing the American Indian.” New England Quarterly 67, no. 4 (1994): 603-21.

McMillan, Timothy. "Black Magic: Witchcraft, Race, and Resistance in Colonial New England." Journal of Black Studies 25 (1994): 99-117.

McWilliams, John. "Indian John and the Northern Tawnies." New England Quarterly 69 (1996): 580-604.

Tucker, Veta Smith. “Purloined Identity: The Racial Metamorphosis of Tituba of Salem Village.” Journal of Black Studies 30, No. 4 (2000): 624-34.

Symptoms, Law, and Evidence (secondary sources from JSTOR)

Symptoms, Law, and Evidence

Brown, David C. "The Forfeitures at Salem, 1692," William and Mary Quarterly 59 (1993): 85-111.

Craker, Wendel D. "Spectral Evidence, Non-Spectral Acts of Witchcraft and Confession at Salem in 1692." Historical Journal 40 (1997), 331-58.

Davies, Owen. “The Nightmare Experience, Sleep Paralysis, and Witchcraft Accusations,” Folklore 114 (2003): 181-203. 

Zeller, Anne C. "Arctic Hysteria in Salem?" Anthropologica 32 (1990): 239-64.

Religion and Reason (secondary sources from JSTOR)

Religion and Reason

Gould, Philip. “New England Witch-Hunting and the Politics of Reason in the Early Republic.” New England Quarterly 68, no. 1 (1995): 58-82.

Latner, Richard. "‘Here Are No Newters’: Witchcraft and Religious Discord in Salem Village and Andover.” New England Quarterly 79 (2006): 92-122.

Ray, Benjamin. “Satan’s War Against the Covenant in Salem Village.” New England Quarterly 80 (2007): 69-95.

Reis, Elizabeth. “The Devil, the Body, and the Feminine Soul in Puritan New England.” Journal of American History 82, no. 1 (1995): 15-36.

William and Mary Quarterly - Special Issue - Volume 65, no. 3 (2008) (secondary sources from JSTOR)

The following are the substantive articles in a special installment of the William and Mary Quarterly [volume 65, no. 3 (2008)], published as a retrospective of Boyer and Nissenbaum’s landmark text.

Burns, Margo, and Bernard Rosenthal. “Examination of the Records of the Salem Witch Trials.” 401-22.

Latner, Richard. “Salem Witchcraft, Factionalism, and Social Change Reconsidered: Were Salem’s Witch-Hunters Modernization’s Failures?” 423-448.

Ray, Benjamin C. “The Geography of Witchcraft Accusations in 1692 Salem Village.” 449-78.

Boyer, Paul, and Stephen Nissenbaum, “‘Salem Possessed’ in Retrospect.” 503-34.