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POL GEN 4175 - Women and Politics

This guide provides ready access to the best resources for locating scholarly research on women and politics. Examples are provided for each resource to demonstrate the most efficient way to locate relevant information.

APA PsycInfo

APA PsycInfo

Pro – can limit to empirical studies in peer-reviewed journals

Pro – can limit to geographic location (PL = US)

Pro – subject searching, abstract searching, Boolean operators, truncation

Pro – almost perfect APA citations are generated (less brilliant for MLA and Chicago)

Con – though large – this is not a political science database


APA PsycInfo example – women and politics and the United States


PsycInfo search example - women and politics searched by subject and place limit of US


Farther down the search page, limit your search to peer-reviewed journals and empirical research:


PsycInfo - limiting search results to empirical studies