Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature and the Readers’ Guides to Periodical Literature were THE way to find articles on a wide variety of topics published in popular magazines throughout the 19th and 20th century.
The Poole’s and the Readers’ Guide indexes for the years 1802 to 1928 have now been digitized by Hathi Trust and can be accessed via links on the UNI Magazine Finder:
Poole's Index 1802 to 1892 |
Poole's Index 1892 to 1906 |
Readers' Guide 1890 to 1928 |
Using Poole’s to Find a Topic
Poole’s Index can be used to find topics for which there are significant numbers of primary source magazine articles.
Finding the Article - Poole’s + Magazine Finder
Finding the Article - Poole’s + Magazine Finder
Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature (1890-1928)
Using Readers' Guide to Find a Topic
Readers’ Guide can be used to find topics for which there are significant numbers of primary source magazine articles.
Examples include - Aerial navigation with hundreds citations to magazine articles on page 12 - Automobile racing with hundreds of citations to magazine articles on page 81 - Chautauqua literary and scientific circles with sixteen citations to magazine articles on page 249 - or even the Hawaiian Islands - Politics and government - with five citations to magazine articles on page 652. |
Finding the Article - Readers’ Guide + Magazine FinderExample #1
When a topic of interest is discovered be sure to save this information by either clicking on the Download option in the left-hand column of the viewing screen or by clicking on the Share option on the left-hand column of the viewing screen (make sure the correct page is being displayed on the main viewing panel) and then copy the address found under Link to this page.
Use the Magazine Abbreviation Guide found at the beginning of each volume of Readers' Guide - or found on the 1890-1929 tab of the Magazine Finder - to determine which magazines are indicated by the citations.
Finally, use the main page of the Magazine Finder - to locate one of the magazines for your topic.
Warning - though the Magazine Finder contains roughly one thousand titles - there are many magazines (and in particular scientific journals) not included in this list. If you do not find a title in the Magazine Finder try searching for the magazine or journal using either HathiTrust or Internet Archive.
First, determine which magazine "Gunton" refers to.
Use the 1900-1904 Readers’ Guide Abbreviation Guide found on the 1890-1929 tab where one discovers that Gunton stands for Gunton’s Magazine.
(Note these abbreviation pages run vertically so if you prefer viewing them in a horizontal manner use the circular arrow icon near the page number to adjust the view screen).
Now head for the main page of the Magazine Finder and locate the entry for Gunton’s Magazine. For the years in question, this magazine is freely available from HathiTrust and Internet Archive.
Using the HathiTrust option, scroll down the HathiTrust catalog page for Gunton's until volume 18 (from the citation) is found. Click on volume 18 (choose entire volume 18 option rather than other half-year options that are also available).
Then head for page 26 (from the above citation) using the page finder at the bottom of the view screen. Important - the original magazine pages don’t quite correspond to the digitized pages as the digital copy includes the covers, blank pages, table of contents, etc., so it will be necessary to scroll a bit farther down to reach page 26.
On page 26 one finds George L. Bolen’s article “Hawaii and Porto Rico as Colonies” a seven page article published in January, 1900. |
Finding the Article - Readers’ Guide + Magazine FinderExample #2
It is also possible to search the Readers’ Guide for Periodical Literature for a specific topic. To see a variety citations for magazine articles written on the Standard Oil head for the Magazine Finder tab for 1890 - 1929 and choose the Readers’ Guide - 1900-1904 Lotto-Z.
Search for Standard Oil in the yellow Search in This Text box on the left-hand side of the view screen.
Click on the various search results found as a result of this search. The most promising group of articles on Standard Oil in this index appear on page 1374 under “Standard oil company".
Either Download this index page or use the Share option to obtain a permalink to this page of the index.
To find the article “History of the Standard oil company. I.M. Tarbell. McClure 20: 3-16” use the Reader’s Guide Abbreviation Guide for 1900-1904 found on the Magazine Finder 1890-1929 tab where you will find that “McClure” stands for “McClure’s Magazine”.
Now head for the main page of the Magazine Finder and locate the entry for McClure’s Magazine.
In the Magazine Finder you’ll find that McClure’s Magazine is available via HathiTrust and to a lesser extent in Internet Archive.
Click on the HathiTrust option and then - using the information from the citation [History of the Standard oil company. I.M. Tarbell. McClure 20: 3-16] - and then choose any of the HathiTrust options for volume 20.
Since this article begins on page 3 - according to the above citation - simply scroll down a few pages to find this article by Ida Tarbell. Again, because digitized pages and the original pages of The Nation don’t quite match up, you’ll need to scroll a few pages more to arrive at the digital page 17 (page 3 of the original magazine). There you’ll find the article “The History of the Standard Oil Company” published in November, 1902, in McClure’s Magazine. Use the Share option to set a permalink to this fourteen-page article - |