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SW 3185 - Social Work Research - Ilesanmi, Velazquillo Franco

When to Cite

Citations are necessary anytime you use an author’s:

  • words (quote)
  • ideas (paraphrase)
  • data
  • images

Cite 2 places:

  • in-text
  • in your References list


Paraphrase example, parenthetical in-text citation:

In contrast with past research (Garcia & Washington, 2018; Chen & Valdez, 2017), one researcher found that a majority of undergraduate Social Work students love research (Gruber, 2020).


Quotation example, narrative in-text citation:

Gruber (2020) found “surprisingly, 82% of surveyed Social Work students agreed with the statement I love research” (p. 286).

Reference List entry examples:

Chen, Z., & Valdez, C. A. (2017). Undergraduate social work students detest research. Social Work Truthiness, 22(1), 86-119.

Garcia, G., & Washington, A. (2018). Worst project ever: Social work students’ research perceptions. Journal of Randomness, 36(4), 96-124.

Gruber, A. M. (2020). Best article ever: A mixed-methods study of student perceptions. Journal of Awesomeness, 12(3), 19-47.


See APA tab for additional examples and resources.