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How do I find the call number for a book? 

Find the book in Onesearch (library catalog). Onesearch will list the book's location and call number.
Search result of Of Mice and Men in Onesearch  


How do I locate a book using a call number?
  1. Find the first letter of the call number. For example, with [QA 76.76 .H94 M88 1997], you'd want to find the Q section.
  2. Once you find the Q section, search for the QA's.
  3. Next, look for the number 76.76. Think of this number as a whole number with the point (.) acting as a decimal point.
  4. Books are then shelved by the third line, which begins with another letter. In the case of this example, you would look for H and then for 94. The point (.) before the H acts as a decimal point, so .H94 would come after .H342.
  5. The next set of letters and numbers are found in the same way, except notice, there is no decimal point, so the numbers after the M are considered whole numbers. For example, M88 would come before M342.