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abstract image of a blurry face in the rain


In Minds in Print: Mental Health in 19th-Century and Contemporary Periodicals, you've explored texts carefully chosen by your professor. 

This guide provides some places for you to locate historical and contemporary resources to explore these themes further. 

Challenges to locating sources

  • Do I know what I hope to find?
  • Does what I want to find exist?
  • Do I know where to look?
  • Do I know how to look?
  • Do I have access?
  • Do the systems available to me have limitations?
  • Do I know when to stop?

Historical Sources

As you move into locating your own historical articles, you don't have to be limited to these three publications. Feel free to reach out to me, if you want help digging through other titles. A few you could consider

  • Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper
  • Godey's Lady's Book
  • Harper's Magazine
  • Harper's Weekly
  • Scribner's Magazine
  • Yale Review

Contemporary Sources

Literary Magazines (a select list)


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