The land that University of Northern Iowa is built on is the traditional homeland of the Iowa, Sauk and Meskwaki, Wahpeton, and Sioux peoples. Though descendants of these people still live here to this day, little is taught about their history and culture. This set contains a selection of objects related to local indigenous cultures in addition to materials related to European settlement and the forced removal of native peoples.
Many items below come from various collections within Special Collections & University Archives. Finding aids to specific collections are linked below.
A curated sample of the UNI Museum materials related to elections can be found at the tag set linked below. More materials may be found by searching the online database available on our website.
Roach headdress, made of porcupine and deer hair. Attributed to the Meskwaki culture, from the early 19th century. UNIM 1987.25.1.
Sioux pipe, including stem and bowl. The pipe stone is from the Pipestone Quarry area of Eastern Minnesota. UNIM 00.30.33.
Sioux pipe, including stem and bowl. The pipe stone is from the Pipestone Quarry area of Eastern Minnesota. UNIM 00.30.33.
Beaded moccasins from the Arapaho culture. Collected between 1910-1950. UNIM 00.30.22.
Beaded headband. From Saskatchewan, Canada, attributed to the Sioux culture. UNIM 1974.23.6.
Booklet with a translation of Chief Black Hawk's account of the relationship between the Fox and Sac tribes of the Midwest, from 1833. This booklet includes a map. From the Explorations in Iowa History Project in the Price Lab School collection, 21/01/01, box 7, folder "Black Hawk's narrative".
This educational booklet tells the history of the Shawnee, Sac and Fox, Potawatomi Iowa, and Kickapoo tribes. It contains many drawings. This booklet was originally distributed by the Shawnee Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs. From the Explorations in Iowa History Project in the Price Laboratory School Collection, 21/01/01 Box 6, folder "Indians of the Shawnee Agency."
This educational pamphlet details the experience of a pioneer's daughter in the 1830s and their accounts with the American Indians in Iowa. From the Explorations in Iowa History Project in the Price Laboratory School Collection, 21/01/01 Box 6, folder "Pioneering at Bonaparte and Near Pella."
This drawing of an American Indian as created by Herb Hake for the episode about Tama, Iowa in his broadcast series, "Landmarks in Iowa History." From the Herbert V. Hake Papers, 1942-1980 collection, 14/10/02/01, box 8, folder "Tama."
A hand-drawn map of Iowa and where various American Indian tribes were located in the 19th century, as created by Herb Hake. From the Herbert V. Hake Papers, 1942-1980 collection, record group 14/10/02/01.
Stereograph image of a shcoolhouse in the Sac and Fox Agency I.T. UNIM 1972.2.3.12.
Herb Hake drawing of Chief Black Hawk. This was created during one of his chalk talks, and is included in A Cartoon History of Iowa. UNIM 1974.24.6.
Souvenir postcards featuring pictures of Blackfeet Indians on the reservation at Glacier National Park. UNIM 1975.4.126.
Commemorative ribbon celebrating 27 years of reunions, possibly in reference to the veterans who survived the Battle of Little Bighorn in June 1876. UNIM 1975.4.268.
Necklace made of glass trade beads, dated to 1880- early 1900s. Belongs to a member of the Fox Clan. UNIM 1987.25.5.
Wooden bowl made from a burl. Belonged to a women who was a member of the Fox/Meskwaki tribe. UNIM 1987.25.7.
Fork, carved with the Fox clan symbol on the handle. UNIM 1987.25.8.
Beaded bracelet made by students at St. Mary's Episcopal High School for Indian Girls in the 1930s. UNIM 1988.24.12.
Beaded bracelet made by students at St. Mary's Episcopal High School for Indian Girls during the 1930s. UNIM 1988.24.10.
Child-sized moccasins. Attributed to the Crow tribe. UNIM 1989.43.45.
Leather pouch with beaded decoration. Attributed to the Cheyenne tribe. UNIM 1989.43.46.
Leather pouch with beadwork design and fringe. Attributed to the Sioux tribe, made by Jospehine Lonebull. UNIM 1988.24.3.
A National Park Service pamphlet from 1955 explaining the history of the Effigy Mounds National Monument in Eastern Iowa. This pamphlet includes images of artifacts and maps. From the Herbert V. Hake Papers, 14/10/02/01 box 10, folder "Effigy Mounds."
A National Park Service pamphlet about the Pipestone National Monument in Minnesota. This pamphlet includes images of artifacts and maps. From the Herbert V. Hake Papers, 14/10/02/01 box 8, folder "McGregor 3"
Drawings created by Herbert Hake of a tepee and a wickiup. From the Herbert V. Hake Papers, 14/10/02/01 box 8, folder "McGregor 3."
Some notes from Herbert Hake about American Indian pipes, food, and the French exploration of Iowa. From the Herbert V. Hake Papers, 14/10/02/01 box 8, folder "McGregor 3."
Notes from Herbert Hake about the exchange of gifts between American Indians and explorers in what is now McGregor, Iowa. From the Herbert V. Hake Papers, 14/10/02/01 box 8, folder "McGregor 3."