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HIST 4260 / 5260 - U.S. Women's History

A guide to search techniques and a portal for primary and secondary sources.

Diaries, Correspondence, and Memoirs

Primary Sources in Books 1600-present

Searching Library Systems for Correspondence, Diaries, and Memoirs

Consider trying some of the following focused subject searches in the Advanced Search mode of OneSearch (UNI), InfoHawk (University of Iowa), and UC Library Search (University of California - Berkeley) by limiting to both the subject term "women" and the subject terms correspondence OR diaries OR memoirs 

It is then possible to add an additional line to add in another topic to help focus your search.



Try these searches in the following library discovery systems:

UNI Rod Library

University of Iowa

University of California

Resources found at either University of Iowa or University of California – and not owned by UNI – can be requested via interlibrary loan (link).