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Government Information

Covers federal, state and local government resources as well as international resources

Sociological Maps (Christian Nold)
This project involves community members mapping their community by connecting Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) data of community members to their visual images of the community they are walking through.

Candanian census information: (Statistics Canada)
Maps and data from the 2001 Canadian census.

Google Earth

Maps in American Factfinder: (U.S. Census bureau)
Includes tutorial on "creating and using maps."

Worldmapper: (SASI Group (University of Sheffield) & Mark Newman (University of Michigan)).
Maps drawn according to topics instead of land mass. Example: In this map of Illiterate young women, areas of the world with the most illiterate young women appear larger than those areas with fewer illiterate young women. Maps cover a wide range of social, economic and environmental topics from bicycle imports to yellow fever victims to carbon emissions.