Backgrounders (Council on Foreign Relations)
Current political and economic issues succinctly explained.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Private, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing cooperation between nations and promoting active international engagement by the United States. Founded in 1910, its work is nonpartisan and dedicated to achieving practical results.
Center for Systemic Peace (George Mason University)
Centre for Intercultural Learning (Canada)
Constitution Finder (University of Richmond)
Country Reports on Terrorism (U.S. State Department)
EISIL: Electronic Information System for International Law
Database that provides materials, web sites and online guides to international law
Publication of International Foundation for Election Systems. ElectionGuide is the most comprehensive and timely source of verified election information and results available online.
Ellis Island: The American Family Immigration History Center
Multimedia reference on the history of Europe
European Union
Commission's Central Library OPAC. Includes materials by and about the EU.
Dictionary of Eurojargon and acronyms.
"EU Law Portal". Search & retrieve full text of the Official Journal, institutions' documents, treaties, regulations, legislation, case law. Great guide to the legislative processes.
Europa (Gateway to the European Union)
EUROPARL (Parliament)
The Statistical Office of the European Union provides free online access to most of its publications.
Index to Europa Information Sources
Best tool on Europa website. Indexes databases,contacts and sources.
L'OEIL (Legislative Observatory)
Searchable by keyword, document reference numbers, committee or agency, subjects, countries or legislative procedure.
Foreign Information by Country (University of Colorado)
International Agencies and Information on the Web (University of Michigan)
International Government Organizations (Purdue University)
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (National Archives of Japan)
League of Nations
National Archives (UK)
Political Resources on the Net
Listings of political sites available on the Internet sorted by country, with links to parties, organizations, governments, media and more from all around the world
United Nations (UN)
CyberSchoolBus For kids and teens
UN Development Programme (UNDP)
UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Official Document System (ODS)
UN Regional Commissions
Universal Postal Union (UPU)
Vincent Ferraro, the Ruth C. Lawson Professor of International Politics at Mt. Holyoke College created this web page. Quality information and links to topics related to international relations.
World Tourism Organization Limited full text
World Trade Organization (WTO)