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HIST 1120 - United States History since the Civil War and Emancipation

United States History since 1865

Browse Historical Magazines to Find a History Topic

Where to find the Print Historic Magazine Collection --- Rod Library 1st Floor (Basement)

Location of the print historic magazines in the basement (first floor) of the UNI Rod Library - call number UNI Periodicals AP2

Magazine Call Numbers


American Magazine - AP2 .A265

Atlantic - AP2 .A85

Catholic World - AP2 .C78

Collier's - AP2 .C65

Harper's Weekly - AP2 .H32

Independent - AP2 .I53

Ladies Home Journal - AP2 .L135

Leslie's Illustrated - AP2 .L473

Living Age - AP2 .L653

Look - AP2 .L79

Nation - AP2 .N2

National Review - AP2 .N3545

New Republic - AP2 .N624

New Yorker - AP2 .N6763

Newsweek - AP2 .N6772

Progressive - AP2 .P8655

Reader's Digest - AP2 .R255

Scribner's (Century) - AP2 .S37

Spectator (Britain) - AP2 .S73