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Iowa Historical Newspapers

Using Microfilm in Rod Library

Waterloo Courier (microfilm)

The Waterloo Courier has undergone many name changes since the 19th century.  Microfilm archives of the Courier are found in the microfilm cabinets located (downstairs) in the northeast corner of the first floor of Rod Library - near the microfilm readers.

  • For the period 1859 - 1897 you want The Waterloo Courier (Nov. 1859 - Aug. 1864; Jan. 1865 - Dec. 1897)   
  • For the period 1898 - 1910 you want either Semiweekly Waterloo Courier (Jan. 1898 - Dec. 1907), or the Waterloo Semi Weekly Courier (Dec. 1907 - July 1910).
  • For the period 1909-1929 you want either the Waterloo Evening Courier  (Sept. 1909 - Mar. 1914) or the Waterloo Evening Courier and Waterloo Daily Reporter  (Mar. 1914 - Nov. 1929)
  • For the period 1920 - present you want the Waterloo Daily Courier  (Nov. 1929 - present)

Des Moines Register (microfilm)

The Des Moines Register has gone by many other names in the past.  Many - though not all - of the years of this paper are found archived in the microfilm cabinets located (downstairs) in the northeast corner of the first floor of Rod Library - near the microfilm readers.

  • For the period 1869 - 1872 you want the Daily Iowa State Register (we have 1871)
  • For the period 1872 - 1876 you want the Iowa Daily State Register (we have 1873-1874)
  • For the period 1876 - June 1902 you want the Iowa State Register (we have years 1878, 1879, 1883, July 1885 - June1888, July-December 1891, July-December 1895, 1897, and 1901 - June 1902)
  • For the period July 1902 - September 1916 you want the Register and Leader or the Des Moines Register and Leader
  • For the period October 1916 - present you want the Des Moines Register