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Topics in the Youth Collection

This LibGuide collects single-topic Youth bibliographies and booklists.

Picture Books about Traumatic and/or Disruptive Childhood Experiences

This list was created in October 2020 to support LITED 3121 (Children's Literature for Diversity and Social Justice). The books on this list cover a variety of difficult, traumatic, and/or disruptive childhood events.

If you have feedback to share about any of the titles on this list, please get in touch with the Youth Services Librarian! I look forward to hearing from you.

There are some topics on which we don't have many recent titles. I am working to build our collection in these areas, and I would appreciate recommendations if you know of any books we should have.

Book descriptions in quotation marks come from our catalog. Book descriptions without quotation marks are original to this list.

Death of a Loved One

Divorce and Parental Separation

Entering Foster Care, Kinship Care, or Adoption

Family Separation: Deployment, Incarceration, Immigration, etc.

Child Abuse and Family Violence

Addiction and Drug Abuse

Poverty, Food Insecurity, and Housing Insecurity

Serious Health Concerns


Experiencing War / Becoming Stateless or a Refugee

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder