University of Northern Iowa's Rod Library is committed to making its publications as accessible as possible. Images in Open Educational Resources (OER) we publish as ebooks have alternative text, and heading styles are used throughout for compatibility with screen readers. Ebooks we publish are displayed in the software Manifold; detailed documentation is available regarding Manifold's accessibility commitment and features.
Multiple formats are provided for most OER published by Rod Library, including online ebook, pdf, and Google Doc to allow for offline use and use with various accessibility software. The open licensing of works we publish allows for translation and changing formats as needed for any user, without additional permissions needed, as long as proper attribution is given and the individual work's license is followed.
Requests for alternative formats or suggestions for improving the accessibility of UNI-published OER should be directed to Upon request, we can also improve the accessibility of openly-licensed or public domain materials by non-UNI authors that are used in courses.