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Open Educational Resources (OER) & Textbook Equity

Summary Reports

Schilling, K. (2023). Beyond the horizon: Broadening our understanding of OER efficacy. Rebus Community.

Watson, C. E., & Rush-Marlowe, R. (2023). Making the case for Open Educational ResourcesAAC&U.


Baran, E., & AlZoubi, D. (2019, March). Bringing open pedagogy to practice in a blended graduate course: Affordances and challenges. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 386-390). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Cho, K. W., & Permzadian, V. (2024). The impact of open educational resources on student achievement: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Educational Research, 126, 102365.

Clinton, V., & Khan, S. (2019). Efficacy of open textbook adoption on learning performance and course withdrawal rates: A meta-analysis. AERA Open5(3), 2332858419872212.

Clinton, V., Legerski, E., & Rhodes, B. (2019). Comparing student learning from and perceptions of open and commercial textbook excerpts: A randomized experiment. Frontiers in Education, 110(4).

Colvard, N. B., Watson, C. E. & Park, H. (2018) The impact of Open Educational Resources on various student success metrics. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 30(2), 262-276.

Cuttler, C. (2018). Students' use and perceptions of the relevance and quality of open textbooks compared to traditional textbooks in online and traditional classroom environments. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 18(1).

Delgado, H., Delgado, M., & Hilton, J. (2019). On the efficacy of open educational resources: Parametric and nonparametric analyses of a university calculus class. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(1).

Diaz Solodukhin, L., MacDonald, M., Falkenstern, C., Lane, P. & Jones, K., (2025). No-cost/Low-cost and OER impact on time-to-credential: An event history modeling study. Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education 3(1), 130-148. 

Griffiths, R., Mislevy, J., Wang, S., Ball, A., Shear, L., & Desrochers, D. (2020). OER at scale: The academic and economic outcomes of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.

Jenkins, J. J., Sánchez, L. A., Schraedley, M. A., Hannans, J., Navick, N., & Young, J. (2020). Textbook broke: Textbook affordability as a social justice issue. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1(3), 1–13. articles/10.5334/jime.549/

Kimmel, S., Bol, L., Ryan, D., & Esqueda, M. (2022). The experiences of community college faculty using open educational resources versus publisher textbooks. Community College Journal of Research and Practice.

Marsh, C. C., Marsh, J. J., & Chesnutt, K. (2022). Exploring OER as a mediator for equity gaps in student course success rates for introductory Biology courses in the NCCCS. NCCCJTI, 1(1), 6-17.

Mullens, A. M., & Hoffman, B. (2023). The affordability solution: A systematic review of open educational resources. Educational Psychology Review, 35(3), 72.

Nusbaum, A. T. (2020). Who gets to wield academic Mjolnir?: On worthiness, knowledge curation, and using the power of the people to diversify OER. Journal of Interactive Media in Education2020(1).

Ross, H. M., Hendricks, C., & Mowat, V. (2018). Open textbooks in an introductory Sociology course in Canada: Student views and completion rates. Open Praxis, 10(4), 393-403.

Sánchez Vera, F., Tellez Infantes, A., Martínez Guirao, J. E., & Antón Hurtado, F. (2021). Development of the pre-professional identity of vocational students during their training through a program based on OER-enabled pedagogy and an online community of practice. Sustainability, 14(1), 356.


Additional Evidence Related to OER

For additional scholarly publications relating to OER, particularly OER efficacy (often as measured by cost, outcomes, usage, and/or perceptions), see the list compiled by the Open Education Group.